(english) Kikinda Short - the only short story festival in Serbia

Kategoria literatura · 23 lutego 2008

Kikinda Short is the only short story festival in Serbia. So far two festivals have taken place and they included 29 authors from nine countries in Europe...

...and finally, what can you do within five minutes? So, if you haven't, by some

convergence of circumstance, ended a life or prolonged one, five minutes are just good enough to listen or read a short story. Compared to death or life, compared to a longer curse word or a short flight, compared to a lot, a five-minute story is just a little. Although, is there anything preventing you from doing something more?

Soon will be published the book from the second festival, held in June last year. It contains more than fifty stories written by 17 authors from six countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia). Organizer of a Festival is National library "Jovan Popovic" from Kikinda.


Special guest

Slobodan Tisma. Born in Stara Pazova in 1946. Since 1950 lives in Novi Sad. In the end of sixties and in the starts of seventies he has been publishing in the literature magazines and show interests in conceptual art. He has also been victim of  an ugly incident at „Tribina mladih" in Novi Sad. He is married with poet Jasna Manjulkov. Has son Filip. During eighties engaged in rock'n roll. Published: «Marinizmi», 1995., «Vrt kao to», 1997., «Blues diary», 2001. i «Urvidek», 2005.
Got «Stevan Sremac Award» for «Urvidek» 

Critic/short story writer

Vasa Pavkovic. Born in 1953 in Pancevo. Graduated at Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. MA in the sam institution. One of the editors for Serbian Dictionary. Works at Institute for Serbian Language in Belgrade.

Published more than 40 books of fiction, poetry, critics, history of Serbian literature... Short story collections: Monstrum i druge fikcije (1990), Macije oci (1994), Hipnotisan (1996), Poslednji sticenik noci (2001, 2004). His texts appears in more than 20 countries. Editing in Knjizevna rec (1984-1989), Sveske (1989-1996), Knjizevnost (1989-2003), Knjizevni glasnik (1998-2003), Prva knjiga Matice srpske (1990-2001), Kvartal (2oo3-2005).

Published critics in more than 50 various magazines, dayli and week newspapers. Winner of «Branko's Award», «Milan Rakic», «Milan Bogdanovic», «Karolj Sirmai», «Ramonda serbika»...

Guest of surprise

Goran Petrovic. Born in Kraljevo in 1961. He published the following books in over sixty editions: short prose pieces Saveti za laksi zivot (Advice for an Easier Life, 1989), novel  Atlas opisan nebom (An Atlas Described in Heaven, 1993), collection of stories Ostrvo i okolne price (The Island and Other Local Tales, 1996), novel Opsada crkve Svetog Spasa (Siege of The Saint Salvation Church, 1997), novel Sitnicarnica „Kod srecne ruke" (The Lucky Hand Five & Dime, 2000), collection of stories Bliznji (Closer, 2002), book of selected short prose Sve sto znam o vremenu (Everything I Know About Time, 2003), drama text Skela (Ferry, 2004) and collection of stories Razlike (Differencies, 2006).

Petrovic's novels and stories have been translated into French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Bulgarian, Slovenian, Polish, Ukrainian, Macedonian, English, German, Czech and Greek language.


Petar Congradin. Born in Kikinda in 1948. He was awarded Pecat varoši sremskokarlovacke for poetry in 1974. Prose books: Izvod iz zapisnika (Extract from the Minutes,1999), Citaca proba (Reading Rehearsal, 2000), Mozdani kvar (Brain Break, 2001) , Briga (Worry, 2005). He publishes poetry and prose in magazines.

He lives in Kikinda and works as a professional athletic coach.


Denis Mikan was born 1974 in Podgorica. His childhood has spent in Zvornik, Bosnia. After beginning of war escape to South Africa. On the end of 1994 he's moved to Austria. In 1998 for his first text in German got "Schreiben zwischen den Kulturen" award. Published his stories in many magazines and anthologies. He was a member of project "dieflut.at". His novel "Emil" was printed in Austria and Serbia. Winner of "Hermann Lenz" fellowship and the "Premium of Republic of Austria" prize.

Xaver Bayer. Born in Wiena, in 1977. Project manager of dieflut.at. Published three novels: "Heute könnte ein glücklicher Tag sein",  "Die Alaskastraße" and

"Weiter" and a drama "Als ich heute aufwachte, aufstand und mich

wusch, da schien mir plötzlich, mir sei alles klar auf dieser Welt und

ich wüsste, wie man leben soll". Got many awards such as  "Reinhard Priessnitz", "Hermann Lenz" fellowship, the "Premium of Republic of Austria" prize...

Peter Landerl. Born in Steyr (Lower Austria). Studied Germanic philology and geography in Wiena. Lecturer at Marc Bloch University in Strasbourg. Write critics for "Wiener Zeitung" and literature magazines "kolik" i"Literatur und Kritik". Write articles for many magazines ("Facetten, "die Rampe", "kolik", "DUM"...). Published novels "Happy together" (2003), and "Dunkle Gestalten" (2007), book of essay  "Der Kampf um die Literatur. Literarisches Leben in Österreich seit 1980" (2005) and short story collection "Blaustern" (1998).

Sophie Anna Reyer, geboren am 20.12.1984. Erste lyrische Versuche mit 17 Jahren. Studiert Germanistik und Komposition bei Clemens Gadenstätter auf der Musikuniversität Graz. Arbeit mit der literarischen Gruppe "labyrinth"- Komposition elektronischer Musikstücke.

2005 wurde der Lyrikband "geh dichte" bei EYE-Literatur der Wenigerheiten veröffentlicht, 2006 die Komposition „ichsplitter" für 2 Bassklarinetten und Elektronik beim Grazer Hörfest uraufgeführt.

Seit 2006 publiziert Sophie Reyer unter anderem in der „Kolik". Neuere Texte erschienen in den „Lichtungen", den „Manuskripten" und der „Perspektive'".

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sejla Sehabovic. Born in Tuzla, in 1977. Graduated at Faculty of Philosophy in Tuzla. Teaching  b/c/s languages and literature at "Ismet Mujezinovic" high school in Tuzla. Editor in "Razlika", magazines for critic and art of theory. Engage in feministic studies and history of literature. Awarded with "William Joyner Center" fellowship, University of Massachusetts, Boston. Her story "Svijecnjak" has won at "Best cyber story" competition for 2003. Winner of first award at poetry marathon „Svatko moze pet minuta, nitko ne moze dva puta" in Split, 2006.

Published book of poetry ("Make up") and short story collection ("Car Trojan ima kozije usi"). Translation of her texts in English was published at De Monfort University, UK, in short anthology of Bosnian poetry "Blossoms and Shrapnels"

Her next book of short stories will be printed in Banja Luka, as an awarded manuscript at competition for short story of the year in organization of daily newspaper "Nezavisne".

Melina Kameric was born 1972 in Sarajevo. Her short stories were published on Ekran price 01, Omnibus Inso(mno)lent P(r)ose, and Lica magazin. She is the winner of Ekran Price 04 literary contest. She works for HRM Queen Elisabeth. But she is not James Bond. She wirite. Short stories. And awaits Kruno to read her short stories and make her a litaterary star.

Aleksandra Cvorovic. Born on Febrary 10th , 1976 in Banja Luka. Graduated literature at Faculty of Philosophy in Banja Luka. Currently works toward a Ph.D in Sector for Library and computer science at Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. Member of an editorial boards in "Divan", "Putevi", "Album" and "Knjizevnik" magazines. Published two poetry books ("Sapat glinenih divova" and "Andjeo pod krevetom") and one short story collection ("Monolog u solji kafe"). Collaboration for the collection of poetry "Rasejano a sabrano slovo" and for anthologies "Tragovi/Spuren", "Nebo nad Banja Lukom", "Nasukani na list lirike"...

Translated in German, English and Poland. Participated in many literature events in B&H, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Holland. Works as librarian at National and University Library in Banja Luka.


Angel Igov is a fiction writer, literary translator, critic, and journalist. He was born on 3 July 1981 in Sofia and studied English Studies and Theory of Literature at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. He has published two books of short stories: Sreshti na patya ('Encounters on the Road') in 2002 and K. in 2006, the first one being awarded the national Juzhna Prolet award for debut in fiction. He has also been awarded the Rashko Sugarev award for short story and the Boyan Penev award for literary criticism. He has published in numerous Bulgarian newspapers and magazines, and is currently permanent book reviewer at both the Kultura newspaper and the TV programme 5 x Riechter; beside that, he has also hosted several radio talk shows. Together with other young Bulgarian authors, he started an initiative called Liturne in which the authors would unexpectedly read their works in busy city squares or public parks. He has been involved in an informal network of European writers, journalists, and intellectuals, called Mind Europe. This year he was named in the four-member jury of the Vick award for contemporary Bulgarian novel.


Dario Rukavina. Born in Zagreb in 1972. Published book of poetry "Tri dana" and short story collection "Buddha u supermarketu" Famous in Ex Yu blog-society with nickname Porto. Lives in Zagreb.    

Mima Simic. Born in Zadar in 1976. Studied Comparative literature and English language in Zagreb. MA degree in Gender studies at Central European University in Budapest. Published stories, critics and translations in daily, week and literature magazines ("Jutarnji list", "Quorum", "Libera libra ", "Studium", "Nacional"...). Coautorship in "Libido.hr", "Poqueerene price", "Ekran price", "Najbolje hrvatske price 2005", "Na trecem trgu" etc.

"Pustolovine Glorije Scott" is her own book of short stories.

Co-vocal and cofounder in band "Drvena Marija". LGBT activist. Lives in Zagreb.


Darabos Enikő. Born in 1975. in Szatmárnémetiben (Romania). Graduated Hungarian and English language and literature at Faculty of Philosophy in Babeş-Bolyai. MA and Ph.D at Faculty of Philosophy in Szeged. Teaching at University in Szeged. Essays and translations published in Kalligram, Jelenkor, Alföld, Ex-Symposion. Short stories published in Fosszília, Élet és Irodalom i Kalligram.


Marko Vidojkovic. Born in Belgrade in 1975. One of the most popular young writers in Serbia.

Novels: „Ples sitnih demona" (2001), „DJavo je moj drug" (2002), „Pikavci na plazi" (2003), „Kandze" (2004) and „Sve crvenkape su iste" (2007). Published more than thirty stories in „Knjizevni magazin", „Duga", „Ekspres" i „Blic news". Poland edition of „Ples sitnih demona" has been published in 2005, German edition was printed by Horlemann Verlag in the same year.
Sing in punk bend "On the Run"

Ivan Potic. Born in Zajecar in 1972. Graduated History of art at Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. Two short stories collections: „ Vratolomije" (2003) and „To sto je stvorilo coveka" (2005). Stories and poetry published in Serbian and Croatian magazines „Povelja", „Razvitak", „Treci trg" and "Ka/Os".

Works in Historical archive „Timocka krajina" in Zajecar as a librarian.


Translators: Milan Prtenjak, Ivana Ristov, Vladislav Vukotic, Aleksandar Hofman i Andrija Mitrovic


Thanks: Municipality of Kikiknda, Pro Helvetia, Belgrade; Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia; Provincial Department of Education and Culture, Novi Sad; Das Kulturforum Belgrad, Banini, Kikinda; Naftagas - Severni Banat ; Student Cultural Center, Belgrade

Hvala: SO Kikinda, Pro Helveciji, Beograd, Ministarstvu kulture i medija republike Srbije, Pokrajinskom sekretarijatu za obrazovanje i kulturu, Novi Sad, Austrijskom kulturnom forumu, Baniniju, Naftagasu - Severni Banat i, svakako, Studentskom kulturnom centru iz Beograda.



...naposletku, sta se moze uciniti za pet minuta? Ako, dakle, niste sticajem okolnosti, u medjuvremenu, vec okoncali ili produzili zivot, tada je pet minuta dovoljno makar za citanje ili slusanje krace price. U odnosu na smrt ili na zivot, u odnosu na duzu psovku ili na kraci let avionom, u odnosu na mnogo toga, petominutna prica je malo. Mada, ko vas pa sprecava da ucinite nesto vise?

Uskoro izlazi knjiga sa drugog festivala kratke price
Sedamnaestoro autora
Sest zemalja
Pedeset i nesto prica

Promocija: SREDA, 27. Februar, SKC - Hepi centar, 20 casova

Prisutni: Marko Vidojkovic, Goran Petrovic, Slobodan Tisma, Vasa Pavkovic, Ivan Potic, Petar Congradin i Srdjan Papic.

Odsutni: Peter Landerl, Ksaver Bajer, Denis Mikan, Zofi Rajer (Austrija), Mima Simic, Dario Rukavina (Hrvatska), Aleksandra Cvorovic, Sejla Sehabovic, Melina Kameric (BiH), Angel Igov (Bugarska) i Eniko Darabos (Madjarska)

Moderator: Vesna Kapor

Organizator festivala: Narodna Biblioteka Jovan Popovic, Kikinda

Koordinator projekta: Srdjan Papic